Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One Project Down, Many more to go...

Under the Sea

First project the kids did for the year was aimed to please the parents with our annual art fundraiser with Square One Art.  the students took the school team mascots and designed and under the sea world using different color combinations and colleaguing techniques.  

 The Kindergarten kiddos created hand print fish, the First grade crew created Rays, Second Eels, Third sponge painted Seahorses and fourth used analogous colors to create a collage styled and animal of their choice and Fifth grade used Warm and Cool colors to decorate their chosen animal.


First Grade:

 Second Grade:

 Third Grade:

Fourth Grade:

 Fifth Grade:


After using so many blogs out there to help with planning prepping and teaching i felt it would only be right to try and join in the 21st century and start sharing what my students have been up to.  But first a little background on me.  I am a fist year art teacher in Land O 'Lakes, Florida.  I have kids from PreK-5 that wander in and out of my classroom doors daily.  I attended school at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN and recently graduated in May.  I am very excited to get through my first year of teaching and so far things have been great! we are only about 2 projects in but i hope things get better and better from here!