Thursday, June 23, 2011

Art on a Cart?

So for my up coming second year of teaching my job has changed a little.  I am now split between two schools and the school that i will now be at 2 days a week has the great chance of being a Cart gig.  With only one year under my belt and that year being one with my own classroom with all i could ask for (except a sink) i'm looking for helpful tips, hints and plans from those who have been on a cart before!!?
I know it wont be that bad but any advice in how to handle it or things that you have done that have worked would be Amazing!!!

Thanks in advance for the words of wisdom! :)


  1. Dear Kelly,
    Where to begin? I have been teaching art for 35 years this fall. Ten years of that was on a cart at my homeschool and also at my 2 satellite schools. It is an adventure! No sweat.
    Organization is the KEY. First, get a GOOD,STRONG cart. I used a Rubbermaid food service cart, about $250.00. Then I stood at a big box store and road tested all of the plastic bins, drawers, boxes, totes etc. The best and first purchase should be table totes that you can easily hand out to each group(you must have the kids in groups of 4-6!!)as soon as you arrive to each class. Fill with all of the necessary art supplies for each group. Always prepare your days, or classes supplies in some sort of plastic box or totes that you can easily find your materials in to present your lesson. If each group is painting, have everything and I mean down to the paper towels in each tote and ready to go. "Proper Planning leads to Peak Performance" is imperative.Everything I taught with was divided into 6 or 7 buckets, totes, trays or boxes.Time is of the essence so have everything prepacked(even your Sub tote!)I hope this helps you but I know you will find what works best for you. Good luck!

  2. super helpful! i have a cart already, not sure the brand but it seems pretty basic, but i love the totes idea! that will make things much easier and faster at the start and end of each class. Thanks so much for your help! enjoy the rest of your summer!

  3. I did art on a Cart for two years.
    I found that plastic containers work well to store mixed media items.
    I always placed the containers on the bottom of the cart.

    For pencils and markers I used trays.
    Always try to have things laying flat and not standing.

    I was famous for leaving a trail of pencils, crayons and markers along the way :)

    I hope this helps a little.
